How to Earn $4 for every TikTok video you watch


How to Earn $4 for every TikTok video you watch

How to Earn $4 for every TikTok video you watch

I recently made about five hundred dollars online just by watching TikTok videos. For every TikTok video you watch, you can earn four dollars. If you watch two videos on TikTok, you’ll earn eight dollars and if you watch four videos, you’ll earn a whopping $16. You can also earn up to six hundred dollars or even more by watching more and more TikTok videos.

Now the first thing you need to do is go to TikTok.I want you to go to the search bar and type “funny viral videos.” As you will see, there are types of videos that get millions of views. Most of them have over 10 million views, which means they are in high demand. People love watching them. I’ll show you how to use these videos and make as much money as possible.

In the next step, simply select one of the videos. What you want to do now is watch the entire movie to make sure it’s good. But if you don’t like it, try another video. I want you to only use this method for videos you like, because that means others will like them too.

In this case, use a video with a high number of views and a high number of likes.After watching the video, the next step is to take a screenshot of the video. But you can also do this from your smartphone.

You are not limited to viral funny videos. This is just an example to show how the process works. But you can literally apply it to any type of video.Just make sure they get a lot of views and you know there are tons of videos on TikTok so take advantage of it.

And as I said, only use high-demand videos that have millions of views. You don’t want to choose movies that no one watches or cares about. However, if you have no idea what other videos to search for, you can simply go to Google and search for the most viral niches on TikTok, which should give you lots of ideas and interesting keywords to search for.

You can search for funny dances and let’s see what else you can search for.For example, another niche is dark comedy, and the list goes on. I think you understand it now.

So after you’ve taken a screenshot of your video, the next step is to visit a free website called Plus, you can do this from anywhere in the world.It doesn’t matter where you live. All you need is internet access and a computer or smartphone.

Now first go to “Downloaded Files” to download the screenshot image. Just click on it and then select an image on your device. The transmission begins. Once you download it, you can drag it to our website and move it easily. If you want, you can also reduce or enlarge it.So I’ll continue like this until the next step.

Now click on “Article”. You also want to drag this shape onto our image. If you want you can also change the Z color, but for now you can just keep the color. I’m going to resize it because we’re going to have text on this shape.Then click on the text that says “Add Title” and drag the text into the rectangle there. Then type “Oh my God!” “Viral video.” If you would like to change the font of this text, you can simply click here and select a different font. The one I will use is called “Anton”.“I also want to change the color from black to white, which you can do here.

We are almost finished with this painting. Just one step. You want to go back to “Articles” and then look for the play button. Drag one of the play buttons back to our image.You can use blue. I have also used it myself. Just make sure it’s in the middle.

Now we will download the image. To do this, simply click “Share” and then “Download”.Finally, click “Download” again and the image will download.

In the next step, I’ll show you how we can easily and effortlessly make money online with TikTok images and videos. As you can see, below you will find deposit proofs of people who make money daily using this method.

Earn money online

By the way, if you’re still reading, comment your country name below. So the next website we will use will be this website we will make money online with TikTok videos and our image. Pinterest is visited by millions of users every day, especially from the USA.  

Now, the first thing you want to do is create your account. Once you do that, then go to “Create” and select “Create pin”. Now, double-click to upload the image that you made. Just select the image from your device.

Now you need to enter the title of your TikTok video. In my case, the movie title I used was “Pretty Monk.” I just want to write it down. Then make sure “Watch Now” is added to the title.

Next we need to add our link.This is the hardest part. Now people on Pinterest will see your image and click on the link you placed here to watch the actual video. However, if you link directly to a TikTok video, the video will get a lot of views on Pinterest because Pinterest has a lot of traffic.

However, you should not link directly to the video as you will not make any money from it. Instead, I’ll show you how to put your link there so you make money when someone clicks on it.So make sure you read this article positively.

Now to create a link that we will put there and that will make you money, go to this website called The first thing you need to do is click on “Register” to create an account. Enter your details and then select “I am not a robot”.Also check the second box and click “Register”.

Then verify your email address and log in. You can also see what your dashboard will look like here. The minimum amount you can withdraw from this website is just five dollars. They also have various payment methods such as Bitcoin, PayPal and many more.

Now let’s go back to the home page.Simply click “New Shortcut Link” and then paste the link into your TikTok video. After pasting it here, click where it says “Shorten.”

All you have to do is copy and paste this link onto Pinterest. Before you can publish an image, you must first create a board. To do this, simply click and then click where it says “Create table”.Give it any name you want and then click Create.

Finally, all you have to do is click “Publish” and your file will be published on Pinterest. But sometimes they don’t accept shrinkme links. If this happens to you, you can use this site as a bridge or mediator. It’s called Linktree.This website will replace your Shrinkme link with one that is accepted on Pinterest, but the link will still go to Shrinkme.

So there you have it. Now everyone who visits your Shrinkme link earns money.

Now, to create the link that we will put there that will make us money, go to this website called First thing, click “Register” to create an account. Fill out your information and then check “I’m not a robot.” Also, check the other box and click “Register.”

Then, just verify your email and login. This is how your dashboard will look like, by the way. The minimum you can withdraw from this website is only five dollars. They also have different payment methods like Bitcoin, PayPal, and much more.

Now, let’s go back to the homepage. What you want to do is click “New shortened link” and then paste the link of the TikTok video. Once you paste it there, just click where it says “Shorten.”

Now, all you have to do is copy this link and then paste it to Pinterest. Now, to be able to publish an image, you will first need to create a board. To do that, just click and then click where it says “Create a board.” Name it whatever you like and then hit “Create.”

Finally, all you have to do is click where it says “Publish,” and it will be published to Pinterest. But sometimes they don’t accept links from shrinkme. If that happens to you, you can use this website as a bridge or as a middleman. It’s called Linktree. What this website will do is it will change your shrinkme link to another link that will get accepted on Pinterest, but that link will still lead to shrinkme.

So, here you guys have it. Now, everyone that’s going to visit your shrinkme link, you will make money.

 Now, all you have to do is copy this link and then paste it to Pinterest. Now, to be able to publish an image, you will first need to create a board. To do that, just click and then click where it says “Create a board.” Name it whatever you like and then hit “Create.”

Finally, all you have to do is click where it says “Publish,” and it will be published to Pinterest. But sometimes they don’t accept links from shrinkme. If that happens to you, you can use this website as a bridge or as a middleman. It’s called Linktree. What this website will do is it will change your shrinkme link to another link that will get accepted on Pinterest, but that link will still lead to shrinkme.

So, here you guys have it. Now, everyone that’s going to visit your shrinkme link, you will make money.

Now click on this text symbol on the right. Then click on the text that says “Add Title” and drag the text there into the rectangle. Then type “Oh my God!” “Viral video.” If you would like to change the font of this text, you can simply click here and select a different font.The one I will use is called “Anton”. I also want to change the color from black to white, which you can do here.

We are almost finished with this painting. Just one step. You want to go back to Articles and then look for the play button.Drag one of the play buttons again to our image. You can use the blue one. It’s what I’ve been using myself as well. Just make sure it’s in the middle.

Now, we are going to download the image.To do this, simply click “Share” and then “Download”. Finally, click “Download” again and the image will download.

In the next step I will show you how we can easily and effortlessly make money online with this TikTok photo and video. As you can see, below you will find the deposit credentials of people who make money daily using this method.

Earn money online

By the way, if you’re still reading, comment your country name below. The next website we will use is On this website we will make money online with TikTok videos and our image. Pinterest is visited by millions of users every day, especially from the USA.

Now the first thing you want to do is create an account. Once you’ve done this, go to “Create” and select “Create Pin”.Now double click to load the image you created. Just select an image on your device.

Now you need to enter the title of your TikTok video. In my case, the movie title I used was “Pretty Monk.” I just want to write it down.Then make sure “Watch Now” is added to the title.

Next we need to add our link. This is the hardest part. Now people on Pinterest will see your image and click on the link you placed here to watch the actual video. However, if you link directly to a TikTok video, the video will get a lot of views on Pinterest because Pinterest has a lot of traffic.

However, you should not link directly to the video as you will not make any money from it. Instead, I’ll show you how to put your link there so you make money when someone clicks on it. So make sure you read this article positively.

Now to create a link to post there and earn money, visit this website called The first thing you need to do is click on “Register” to create an account. Enter your details and then select the “I am not a robot” option. Also check the second box and click “Register”.”

Then verify your email address and log in. You can also see what your dashboard will look like here. The minimum amount you can withdraw from this website is just five dollars. They also have various payment methods such as Bitcoin, PayPal and many more.

Now, let’s go back to the homepage. What you want to do is click “New shortened link” and then paste the link of the TikTok video.After pasting it here, click where it says “Shorten.”

All you have to do is copy and paste this link onto Pinterest. Before you can publish an image, you must first create a board. To do this, simply click and then click where it says “Create table”. Name it whatever you want and then click Create.”

Finally, all you have to do is click “Publish” and your file will be published on Pinterest. But sometimes they don’t accept shrinkme links. If this happens to you, you can use this site as a bridge or mediator. It’s called Linktree. This website will replace your Shrinkme link with one that is accepted on Pinterest, but the link will still go to Shrinkme.

So there you have it. Now everyone who visits your Shrinkme link earns money.

Published on: December 19, 2023. at: 8:59 pm

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